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How to Draw a Witch

This time I offer you a lesson on how to draw a witch step by step. It is very simple and consists of just nine easy steps.

If you want to learn how to draw a magical character, then this fascinating drawing lesson on how to draw a witch step by step will surely help you. A witch is a woman who practices magic and has magical powers and knowledge. This character is often seen in movies and cartoons.

In this lesson, you will first draw the witch’s body, then her costume and broom, and then color the finished drawing. I created this lesson for kids and beginners, so it’s very easy and understandable.

Prepare the drawing materials and start drawing the witch, following my instructions carefully. Have a great drawing!


  • Pencil
  • Paper
  • Eraser
  • Coloring supplies

Time needed: 20 minutes

How to Draw a Witch

  1. Draw the outline of the witch’s head and torso.

    To do this step, draw the witch’s head as a circle, and the torso with a straight and curved line.how to draw a witch step by step

  2. Add the witch’s hat.

    On the top of the witch’s head depict a hat pointed at the top, using curved and wavy lines.how to draw a witch easy

  3. Depict the facial features.

    Draw the witch’s eyes as two same ovals, the mouth as an arc, and the nose with a curved line.how to draw a witch easy for kids

  4. Add the hair and the ribbon on the hat.

    On the right and left sides of the head add the same curved lines and one line on the hat.how to draw a witch easy step by step

  5. Picture the witch’s hands.

    Use curved and rounded lines to draw the hands. One of the hands looks raised to the side.how to draw a witch for kids easy

  6. Draw the broom handle.

    Add two same straight parallel lines and connect their ends with a straight line and a curved line.a witch drawing guide

  7. Depict the bottom of the broom.

    Below the previously drawn figure add a puffy broom bottom, using curved lines.a witch drawing tutorial

  8. Erase unnecessary lines.

    Use an eraser to remove auxiliary lines that appeared during the drawing process.easy way to draw a witch

  9. Color the drawing.

    To color the witch, use black, shades of blue, shades of brown, and any color for the skin.how to draw a witch step by step easy

Great job! I’m sure you did really well at drawing a witch. Don’t forget to download the PDF file which contains a short version of this drawing lesson and some additional useful materials. 

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