How to Draw a Fist
In this lesson you will learn how to draw a fist. I’m sure you will find this guide helpful and interesting.

So, with the help of this lesson, you will learn how to draw a fist step by step. I created this lesson especially for children and beginner artists, so it does not contain too complicated steps and you will easily cope with all of them.
A fist is the shape of a hand when the fingers are bent inward against the palm and held there tightly. To make or clench a fist is to fold the fingers tightly into the center of the palm and then clamp the thumb over the middle phalanges. There is also the “closed” fist, one keeps the fist “open” by holding the thumb against the side of the index finger.
Follow my instructions carefully to draw the fist correctly. Have a great drawing!
- Pencil
- Paper
- Eraser
- Coloring supplies
Time needed: 20 minutes
How to Draw a Fist
- Draw the auxiliary lines.
Outline the figure as shown in the picture, using straight lines of different lengths.
- Depict the outline of the upper part of the hand.
To complete this step, draw an arch, a curved line, and some short thin lines.
- Draw the outline of the thumb.
Now you should depict a long curved line to represent a bent finger.
- Mark the boundaries of the other fingers.
To do this simple step, you need to draw several straight lines of different lengths.
- Add the outlines of the fingertips.
Connect the ends of the previously drawn straight lines using rounded lines.
- Depict a fist edge contour.
Connect the other ends of the straight lines you drew earlier with rounded lines.
- Draw the nails and wrist lines.
Use straight and curved lines to draw the wrist, and thin curved lines to depict the nails.
- Erase unnecessary lines.
Use an eraser to remove auxiliary lines that appeared during the drawing process.
- Color the drawing.
You can use any color you want to color the skin on the hand.
At this point, this drawing lesson has come to an end. I hope that you did a great job with this work, and you did not have any difficulties. Now you can download a short version of the lesson in PDF format, which I have prepared specially for your convenience. This will help you return to the lesson at any time.
How to Draw a Fist Step by Step
So, check if you have all the art supplies at hand, and if everything is ready, then begin to consistently follow all the steps in this instruction.

How to Draw an Easy Fist
Now take all the art supplies you need to complete this tutorial and start following all the steps in this tutorial. I wish you creative success!