How to Draw Wolverine
This comic book drawing tutorial will be about how to draw Wolverine from the X-Men, the most recognizable character of this team.

How to Draw Wolverine: Basic Information
In this drawing tutorial, I will guide you through drawing Wolverine in simplified style, transforming this formidable and hardcore character into a more stylized figure.
One important aspect to pay attention to while drawing Wolverine is replicating his key characteristics on the drawing. Despite simplifying his proportions, such as an exaggerated head and more rounded features, it’s very important to illustrate his recognizable traits – his sharp claws, characteristic mask and costume.
Using this tutorial, you will learn how to draw Wolverine in a simplified style, as well as how to illustrate other comic book characters in this style. In addition, you will be able to gain knowledge that will allow you to create your own comic book characters.
At the end of the tutorial, we’ll also learn various ways to color Wolverine to give him different iconic looks. Additionally, we’ll cover how to create interesting compositions featuring Wolverine, for example, how to create a battle scene with him.
Wolverine Drawing Tutorial
- Pencil
- Paper
- Eraser
- Coloring supplies
Time needed: 45 minutes
How to Draw Wolverine
- Draw the head and torso of Wolverine.
Use simple shapes to begin – an oval or rounded rectangle for the head and a slightly curved rectangle for the torso. Keep the proportions larger at the top, as we are working with a simplified, almost chibi-like figure. Make sure to divide the head with light guidelines to help place the facial features later.
- Add the limbs and basic pose.
For the arms, draw simple cylinders for the upper arm and forearm, leaving space for the hands. His legs should also be drawn with short, slightly curved shapes to illustrate a bent pose, as if he’s ready for action. At this stage, don’t worry too much about details – focus on positioning the limbs.
- Draw the mask and facial features.
Start by sketching the mask’s pointed ears, extending up from the head. Afterward, begin drawing his eyes, making them look like narrow triangles. Add his mouth in a grim expression. You can also add light lines to define his nose and forehead, though these should remain minimal to fit the simplified style.
- Sketch the claws and body details.
The claws of Wolverine should be long, sharp, and drawn from the back of his hands. Create three claws per hand. You can illustrate them straight or slightly curved. Once the claws are in place, start adding details to the rest of the body. Add the outlines of his belt, stripes of the costume and boots.
- Refine the head and add mask elements.
Now, focus on refining Wolverine’s head and mask. Use an eraser to remove any guidelines from the sketch. Darken the remaining lines of the head to give it a cleaner appearance. Then, you can add small details around the eyes and forehead to give your Wolverine drawing a more authentic comic book style.
- Finalize the upper body of Wolverine.
Erase the guidelines from the torso and arms to clean up your Wolverine sketch. Darken the remaining lines to give the upper body a more polished appearance. Add a few extra details to the torso and arms to improve the overall look, giving your Wolverine drawing a more detailed, comic-book style.
- Finalize the legs of the X-Men.
In this step, refine Wolverine’s legs, focusing on the iconic boots. Erase the guidelines from the legs to clean up the lower half of the sketch. Darken the remaining lines to create a more finished. After that, you can add a few extra details to the legs and boots.
- Add colors to your Wolverine drawing.
Use his classic color scheme of yellow, blue, and black for his costume. Color his mask, gloves and boots in a deep blue, while his torso should be a bright yellow. The stripes across his costume can be filled in with black to match his comic book look. Don’t forget to color the claws a metallic gray or silver.
How to Draw Wolverine in Different Costumes
For over forty years, Wolverine has appeared in various superhero teams, films, and television. Each era introduced Wolverine with different costumes and recognisable features.
Drawing Wolverine in his different costumes allows you to learn his history and history of comics. Below, I will demonstrate how to draw Wolverine in various styles, applying the techniques and knowledge you’ve learned, along with some additional methods.
Brown Suit: A Forgotten Classic
This version of Wolverine features his classic brown and orange costume, which was introduced in the 1980s as a darker, more rugged look compared to his traditional yellow and blue suit.
To create this version of Wolverine, begin by modifying his costume. First, adjust the design of the torso. Instead of the usual stripes on the sides and shoulders, draw a V-shaped pattern on the chest. Replace the typical blue and yellow color palette with shades of brown and orange for the mask, limbs and torso.

Astonishing Wolverine: Classic Updated
Alternatively, you might opt to portray Logan in the modern rendition of his yellow-and-blue suit. This updated costume features more subdued “ears” on the mask.
Begin by drawing Wolverine’s the torso with a stripe running down the center and stripes along the sides of the arms and legs. Replace the usual V-shape design with these stripes, keeping the pattern simple. Color the ears of the mask and boots in deep blue, with the rest of the torso and upper legs in bright yellow. The “X” symbol on his belt should remain in red and black. Use the same metallic gray for his claws.

Drawing Logan Without Suit
You can also draw Logan in his casual outfit: a white tank top and blue jeans. This look shows a more personal, human side of him, separate from his usual battle gear.
To draw Wolverine in this casual style, start by giving him his signature look: a white tank top and blue jeans. His muscular arms should remain exposed, and instead of his typical mask, draw his detailed facial features, including sideburns and his spiky hair.
Color the tank top white or gray and the jeans blue, while the belt and boots should be dark brown. His claws stay the same, using a metallic silver tone.

Draw Wolverine in Dynamics
Now that you’ve practiced with my Wolverine drawing guides, you’re ready to draw one of the most well-known confrontations in comic history: Wolverine versus the Hulk.
To create a drawing like this, start by sketching both characters – Hulk and Wolverine. For Hulk, focus on his large, muscular body, drawing him in a jumping, aggressive stance with raised fists. Wolverine can be drawn in his yellow and blue costume, extending his claws as he attacks.
Pay attention to the proportions: Hulk should be significantly larger than Wolverine to highlight their power difference. After sketching the outlines, add details to their costumes and facial expressions. Finally, color Hulk in green with purple shorts, and use Wolverine’s signature yellow and blue colors for his suit.

So, this was a Wolverine drawing tutorial, where we learned how to depict this superhero in his classic yellow and blue suit, as well as in other iconic outfits, and even how to create complex battle compositions featuring Logan.
To continue learning how to draw superheroes and work toward becoming a real comic book artist, be sure to visit the Comics section on my site. There, you’ll find drawing guides on the most iconic superheroes and villains, along with tips on drawing comics and creating interesting characters.