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How to Draw a Bigfoot

Bigfoot is not always something scary. Today I will show you how to draw Bigfoot in a cartoon style and tell you a little about the visual features of this character.

how to draw a bigfoot
how to draw a bigfoot step by step

How to Draw a Bigfoot: Basic Information

As I mentioned, I sought to transform the menacing character of Bigfoot into my favorite cartoon-simplistic style. To achieve this, I abandoned the idea of a gloomy background and dark tones. Incidentally, if you aim to create something scary, avoid using light, clear shapes. The most visually frightening elements are often blurry, dark, and lacking in detail.

In contrast, I made Bigfoot’s figure as light and clear as possible. There are no threatening poses or strange proportions; everything appears open and friendly.

Bigfoot’s face is very simple, but not surreal. Typically, surrealism combines very simple and highly detailed styles (as seen in the SpongeBob series, for example). This distinction is important when creating a cartoon character meant to evoke positive emotions.

Bigfoot Drawing Tutorial


  • Pencil
  • Paper
  • Eraser
  • Coloring supplies

Time needed: 30 minutes

How to Draw a Bigfoot

  1. Draw the head and torso.

    Begin by drawing the basic outline of Bigfoot’s head and body. The head is a simple, rounded shape resembling an oval, and the body is another rounded shape but slightly wider at the bottom, almost like an inverted teardrop. Keep your lines light and smooth to make adjustments easier later.how to draw a simple bigfoot

  2. Add the facial features.

    Next, add Bigfoot’s facial features. Draw two small circles for the eyes, positioned symmetrically near the upper part of the head. Below the eyes, sketch a small curved line to form a smiling mouth. These basic features will give Bigfoot a friendly expression, making him appear more inviting and less scary.how to draw a cartoon bigfoot

  3. Draw hair on the face.

    Now, outline the hair around Bigfoot’s face. Draw a series of short, jagged lines around the top and sides of the head, resembling a fluffy mane. By the way, this is quite an interesting trick – drawing the texture of fur using the inner oval.how to draw a cute bigfoot

  4. Sketch out the fur on the head.

    Continue to refine Bigfoot’s hair, extending the jagged lines around the head to create a full, fluffy outline. This step adds more detail and definition to the character’s look. The hair should look more like a friendly halo around his head rather than a wild, untamed mane.bigfoot drawing easy

  5. Depict the fur on the torso.

    So, add outlines of the torso that are more similar to the final result than the sketch in the first step. Mark the jagged contours on the sides, draw smooth curves in the center at the bottom. The slight lack of symmetry in this step is not a mistake.how to draw a bigfoot easy

  6. Draw the arms.

    Now, add the arms to Bigfoot’s body. Draw two curved lines on each side of the body to represent the arms, and at the ends, sketch small, rounded shapes for the hands. These should be simple and in proportion with the rest of the body.how to draw a bigfoot for kids

  7. Add the feet.

    Outline the feet more clearly, adding slight curves to define the toes if desired. Make sure the feet are well-aligned and proportionate to the rest of the body. Keeping the feet simple and rounded continues the theme of a friendly cartoon character.how to draw a bigfoot for kids

  8. Correct inaccuracies.

    Finalize the outlines of the entire character, ensuring all the lines are smooth and clean. Erase any unnecessary guidelines from earlier steps. This step involves refining the details and making sure Bigfoot looks cohesive and polished.simple bigfoot drawing lesson

  9. Color the bigfoot.

    Lastly, add color to Bigfoot. Use a light brown shade for the body and a slightly darker brown for the hair. Add highlights to the eyes. Make sure the colors are even and fill in all the outlined areas smoothly. The face can remain a lighter shade to highlight the friendly expression. bigfoot drawing tutorial

Additional Content

To enhance your learning experience, I’ve also prepared a free PDF file that complements this Bigfoot drawing tutorial. This compact version distills the key steps into a handy guide, allowing you to practice drawing Bigfoot anytime, even when you’re away from the internet.

This downloadable PDF is designed to be an accessible resource, ensuring that you can revisit and refine your drawing skills wherever you are. It’s been created as a quick-reference tool that supports the online lesson, reinforcing the steps so that they become second nature to you.

By using this PDF alongside the online tutorial, you’ll solidify your ability to draw Bigfoot with confidence. It’s my hope that this resource serves as a stepping stone in your artistic journey, helping you to harness your creativity and capture the elusive charm of Bigfoot in your artwork.

Alternative Drawing Technique

Alongside the main tutorial, I’ve developed another artistic approach to drawing Bigfoot that encourages you to explore different aspects of illustration. This variant method is focused on amplifying your practice, helping you capture the unique silhouette and character of Bigfoot with a fresh set of eyes.

By incorporating this alternate technique, you’ll have the chance to enhance your observation skills, noticing the subtleties that make Bigfoot such an intriguing subject. It’s a practice that emphasizes form and volume, helping you to grasp Bigfoot’s imposing presence with every curve and line.

Engaging with this additional drawing method is meant to deepen your artistic understanding and provide you with the tools to further your abilities. It’s crafted to support and challenge you, offering a pathway to confidently draw Bigfoot and enrich your portfolio with a diverse range of styles.

How to Draw a Bigfoot: Mastering Different Styles

The method shown in this tutorial makes drawing Bigfoot approachable, beginning with basic shapes to build the structure. Starting with the head and moving down to the body, each part is added in sequence, allowing for a focus on proportion and form. This foundational approach is ideal for beginners and ensures a strong likeness to the character.

Next, we add character to the figure, with expressive features and defining details like the face and fur. The facial expressions bring Bigfoot to life, while the body outlines hint at his legendary strength. Each step is clear and manageable, encouraging you to add personality to your Bigfoot as you learn.

Finally, by the time you add the arms and legs, your Bigfoot has taken shape and character. The result is a Bigfoot that, while playful in appearance, holds true to a more naturalistic form. This method simplifies the process, making it enjoyable to draw Bigfoot.

How to draw a Bigfoot step by step

Answering Your Most Common Questions

Questions are the compass that guides us to better our craft, and understanding the intricacies of this artistic endeavor is as important as the drawing itself. Gathered here are the queries that might spring to mind, the ones that often echo in the minds of artists as they learn and grow.

  • Is it necessary to start with pencil, or can I dive straight into ink? Starting with a pencil allows for adjustments, but if you’re feeling bold, inking directly can be liberating.
  • What if my Bigfoot doesn’t look exactly like the one in the tutorial? Each artist brings a unique touch to their work; celebrate your Bigfoot’s individual character.
  • How do I improve my line work? Practice is key. Try drawing with swift, confident strokes and remember that each line is a learning step.

Ways to Improve Your Bigfoot Artwork

As we close this chapter on how to draw Bigfoot, I would like to offer some parting advice to help refine your artistic prowess. Below is a list of tips that will serve as beacons to guide your hand and eye towards greater achievements in your drawings.

  • Practice Proportions: Spend time sketching various shapes and comparing their sizes to understand proportion better.
  • Observe and Emulate: Look at pictures of real primates and try to capture their essence to bring more realism to your Bigfoot.
  • Experiment with Expressions: Vary your Bigfoot’s facial expressions in your sketches to convey a range of emotions and personalities.

As this lesson concludes, take these tips as tools in your artistic arsenal. Carry these suggestions forward, let them shape your practice, and watch as your rendition of Bigfoot not only gains character with each attempt but also becomes a testament to your evolving talent as an artist.


I hope my drawing guide was cool and useful. So, keep practicing your drawing skills to improve and create even more charming characters. If you enjoyed this lesson, be sure to subscribe to our YouTube channel and follow me on TikTok for more fun and easy drawing tutorials.

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