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How to Draw a Chicken Face

In this artistic quest, I guide you through the cheerful process of how to draw a chicken face with ease. My technique unfolds the art of transforming a basic circle into a beacon of farmyard glee. This lesson is my way of sharing the sheer pleasure of creating, making each line and curve a step towards your own masterpiece.

How to Draw a Chicken Face for Kindergarten
how to draw a chicken face step by step

How to Draw a Chicken Face: Basic Information

With a dash of whimsy and a sprinkle of simplicity, my lesson on how to draw a chicken face is designed to delight. Crafted by my hand, this tutorial turns a circle into an expression of farmyard charm, ensuring that anyone, regardless of artistic background, can bring this delightful chicken face to life.

The features of this chicken face are a testament to the magic of art – how a few well-placed lines and shapes coalesce into an expression of curiosity and charm. With each step, the personality of the chicken comes into focus, from the wide-eyed wonder to the playful tilt of the comb, every detail adds a layer of life to the sketch.

When you draw a chicken face using my technique, you transform simple shapes into a portrait brimming with personality. This lesson is more than a set of instructions; it’s a gateway to mastering the art of playful portraits, turning the act of drawing into a delightful journey from circle to chick.

Chicken Face Drawing Tutorial


  • Pencil
  • Paper
  • Eraser
  • Coloring supplies

Time needed: 20 minutes

How to Draw a Chicken Face

  1. Draw the outline of the head.

    Determine the location and size of the muzzle and depict the even oval.How to draw a Chicken face quckly

  2. Add the elements of the face.

    Draw the eyes in small circles and draw the beak in the middle.How to draw a Chicken face easy

  3. Portray the scallop and wattle.

    Using smooth, rounded lines draw the scallop at the top and the wicker at the bottom.How to draw a cartoon Chicken face

  4. Color the chicken’s face.

    Color the scallop and wattle in red, the beak in yellow. Color the rest at your discretion.How to Draw a Chicken Face for Kindergarten

Additional Content

Alongside the engaging lesson of sketching a chicken face, I’ve crafted a free PDF file for you to download. This abridged guide is handy for practice without an internet connection, ensuring your artistic journey continues uninterrupted. It’s your on-the-go art companion, ready whenever inspiration strikes.

This PDF doesn’t retrace the steps of the lesson or outline tips; instead, it offers additional material aimed at advancing your drawing abilities. After you’ve navigated the basic contours of our chicken face, these resources will provide the challenges needed to stretch your skills further, offering a quiet but effective post-lesson growth.

See this PDF as a silent teacher, one that supports your progression from fledgling sketches to confident strokes. Once you’ve mastered the foundational aspects, the extra content will encourage you to deepen your technique and add vibrancy to your drawings, transforming simple lines into expressive art.

Mastering the Chicken Face Sketch

In the serene aftermath of our creative flight, let us perch upon the nest of improvement. What follows are pearls of wisdom to elevate the craft that you’ve so tenderly woven in drawing a chicken face. Each tip is a seed, promising to sprout into a fuller bloom of your artistic potential.

  • Emotive expressions: Vary the chicken’s eye size and placement to reflect emotions, experimenting with wide eyes for surprise or narrow for mischief.
  • Comb creativity: Try drawing the comb in different styles – tall, short, or even asymmetrical – to discover your chicken’s unique personality.
  • Wattle wonders: Develop the wattle with varying thickness and length, learning how it can add balance or comedy to your chicken’s face.
  • Feather finesse: Use light, short strokes around the face for feathers, creating texture that brings your chicken drawing to life.
  • Shadow and light: Add depth with shading under the comb and around the neck, introducing a three-dimensional feel to your sketch.
  • Color exploration: Don’t hesitate to play with colors – perhaps a dash of unexpected blue or green can bring a new dimension to your chicken.

With these tips nestling in your artistic arsenal, you are poised to take your drawings under wing, soaring toward the horizon of your full potential. May your journey in art be ever upward, each new drawing a sky higher than the last, each stroke a flight closer to the artist you are meant to become.

Top Questions About Drawing Chicken Faces

In the studio of learning, where the strokes of our pencils have spoken volumes, there remain questions hanging like sketches on a gallery wall. Here are the FAQs, the answers to which are the fine details that will complete your masterpiece.

  • How do I keep my circle perfect when drawing the face? Practice by tracing objects or using a compass to gain confidence, and remember, slight imperfections add character.
  • Is there a trick to making the comb and wattle look realistic? Observe real chickens if possible, and use light shading to create depth and texture in these areas.
  • What if my chicken face drawing looks too cartoonish? Embrace it! Cartoons are an art style. To aim for realism, study photos of chickens and pay attention to proportions and shading.

As we tuck our pencils away, let these FAQs serve as the final brushstrokes to your learning. Each answer not only solves a query but also adds depth to your understanding, ensuring your journey in drawing is as enriching as the art you produce. Carry these answers with you, and let them guide you to even greater artistic feats.


With our chicken face now peering curiously from your sketchbook, why not stretch your wings further? My website offers an array of tutorials that delve into diverse subjects, such as galloping horses and autumnal pumpkins. Each lesson is a doorway to new techniques and joyful discoveries.

Follow me on social media to stay updated with the latest content and join a community passionate about art. Your feedback and suggestions under the lessons fuel our next creative adventures, so don’t hesitate to share your thoughts. Let’s keep the pencils moving and the ideas flowing.

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