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How to Draw a Spaceship

Today’s lesson lifts off into the realm of science fiction as I teach you how to draw a spaceship with easy-to-follow steps. Aspiring astronauts and artists alike will find joy in rendering this symbol of human ingenuity and the spirit of discovery. The technique I’ve devised is straightforward yet effective, perfect for beginners.

How to draw a spaceship for kids
how to draw a Spaceship

How to Draw a Spaceship: Basic Information

Have you ever gazed up at the night sky and marveled at the mysteries of space? I’m here to guide you through the steps on how to draw a spaceship, so you can bring a piece of the cosmos to your canvas. In this lesson, I’ll unveil a simple methodology that I’ve crafted, allowing my readers to capture the essence of interstellar travel.

As we sketch the spaceship step by step, I’ll share the nuances of its design- the tapered hull, the sharp fins, and the circular viewport are more than mere features; they’re the hallmarks of an intergalactic traveler. Observe how each line contributes to the aerodynamic form, crucial for its imaginary voyages through the cosmos.

Let’s set our pencils on a course to draw a spaceship, creating a gateway from the mundane to the magnificent. Together, we will infuse our drawing with the essence of space travel, instilling a sense of wonder and possibility. With each line drawn, we are not just artists but also astronauts of the imagination.

Spaceship Drawing Tutorial


  • Pencil
  • Paper
  • Eraser
  • Coloring supplies

Step 1

First, depict the main silhouette of the spaceship. Here it must look like a bullet.

How to draw a spaceship

Step 2

Add fins to the bottom of the spaceship. And now it looks like a bomb.

How to draw a spaceship for beginners

Step 3

At the top of the spaceship, we mark a round window and a horizontal line.

How to draw a spaceship step by step

Step 4

When you remove all unnecessary lines from the drawing, you will get such a spacecraft.

How to draw a spaceship easy

Step 5

Take your favorite paints or pencils and paint your spaceship as I did.

How to draw a spaceship for kids

Additional Content

In addition to the detailed online tutorial, I’ve prepared a free PDF file to aid in your spaceship drawing journey. This compact version of the lesson offers a quick reference to the two distinct drawing methods I’ve introduced.

It’s perfect for offline use, enabling continuous practice whether you’re curled up at home or out seeking inspiration under the open sky. The PDF serves as a portable guide, ensuring that the art of drawing a spaceship is always within reach, allowing you to refine your craft with or without digital connectivity.

Alternative Drawing Technique

In pursuit of providing a comprehensive learning experience, I’ve put together yet another super simple alternative technique to draw spaceships. This approach is crafted to be as straightforward as possible, enabling even the most novice artists to grasp the fundamentals with ease.

The intention behind this method is to offer you a way to practice that is not only accessible but also enjoyable, allowing you to improve your drawing skills with each spaceship you create. It’s a perfect stepping stone for those who want to practice regularly and see their artistic abilities take flight.

How to Draw a Spaceship for Kindergarten

This super easy drawing method for beginners and kindergarten students to draw a spaceship. Starting with a basic elongated oval for the body, the method progressively adds elements in each step: the cockpit, lower body contours, and then the tail and wing features.

By the final step, the spaceship is completed with a touch of color, making it both accessible and fun for young learners to create their own space-bound illustrations. Each step adds just one or two elements, ensuring that the process is not overwhelming and is easy to follow.

spaceship step by step drawing tutorial

Designing the Universe Around Your Spaceship

To truly bring your spaceship to life and showcase its journey, consider drawing an environment that tells a story. The backdrop you choose can transform your spaceship from a stationary object into a character on an epic voyage. Here are some suggestions to ignite your imagination:

  • Orbiting a Planet: Sketch a large, textured planet or moon beneath your spaceship, showing it in orbit. This adds a sense of scale and place.
  • Soaring Through Asteroid Fields: Create a dynamic scene with rocks and debris around the spaceship, suggesting a navigation through treacherous asteroid fields.
  • Glimmering Starfield: A simple yet effective environment is a starry sky. Dot the background with various-sized stars and perhaps a swirl of a distant galaxy to imply deep space exploration.
  • Warp Speed Effect: For a sense of motion, draw lines and stars stretched out to the sides of the spaceship, as if it’s zooming through space at incredible speeds.

Use my tutorials on my website to create these scenes. Each environment you choose to draw around your spaceship not only adds context to the scene but also enhances your storytelling through art.


We’ve successfully drawn our spaceship and it’s ready to explore the stars, but don’t let the fun stop here! There’s a whole universe of drawing lessons out there on my website. Whether you want to capture the beauty of Earth or sketch a nocturnal owl, you’ll find a lesson that sparks your interest.

Make sure to follow me on social media to stay updated with all the artistic adventures we’ll embark on. And hey, your thoughts mean the world to me – leave a comment with what you’d like to draw next. Your wish just might be the next lesson, helping all of us to create more out-of-this-world art together!

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