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How to Draw Rain

Welcome, everyone, to a delightful artistic challenge where I’ll show you how to draw rain. Raindrops and clouds have always had a special place in art, symbolizing everything from renewal to introspection. In this lesson, we’re going to break down this natural phenomenon into simple, easy-to-follow steps.

rain drawing tutorial
how to draw a rain step by step

How to Draw Rain: Basic Information

If you’re keen to capture the rhythmic dance of a downpour, you’re in the right place. I’m here to guide you through my methodical approach on how to draw rain, stripping down the chaos of a storm to serene and manageable steps. With a dash of patience and a sprinkle of practice, you’ll be sketching showers like a pro.

We’ll start with the basics: fluffy clouds made from a series of gentle curves that stack upon one another. It’s the foundation for our rain, and we’ll build upon it with care, adding depth and volume with each new layer. This method is designed so that anyone can create a convincing cloud ready to shower down those refreshing raindrops.

And for the grand finale, we’ll let those droplets fall. With strategic strokes, you’ll learn to draw rain that looks as though it’s moving, ready to splash upon the ground. Drawing rain transcends simple lines on paper; it involves capturing motion and atmosphere.So, grab your pencils and let’s make a little weather inside today.

Rain Drawing Tutorial


  • Pencil
  • Paper
  • Eraser
  • Coloring supplies

Time needed: 20 minutes

How to Draw Rain

  1. Draw one rain cloud.

    To draw the cloud, you should draw a figure using arcs of different sizes.how to draw a rain for kids

  2. Add another cloud.

    To draw the cloud in the background, draw three arcs to the right of the first cloud.how to draw a rain for beginners

  3. Add the largest cloud.

    Now depict the large cloud above the previously drawn ones using arcs as shown in the picture.how to draw a rain for kindergarten

  4. Sketch out the raindrops.

    Under the previously drawn clouds, add many drops using curved lines.rain drawing lesson

  5. Color the drawing.

    Use blue and green-blue colors. Draw the clouds in the foreground darker.rain drawing tutorial

Additional Content

To build on the skills you’ve just learned from drawing rain, I have prepared a free PDF file for you. This condensed version of the lesson is now yours to use anytime, available even without internet access. It is filled not with steps, but with enriching materials aimed at developing your drawing skills further once you’ve grasped the basics.

Inside this PDF, you’ll find a series of drawing exercises designed to enhance your ability to depict natural elements. This collection of tasks encourages you to observe and replicate various forms of precipitation and the clouds that surround them, each aimed at strengthening your new skills.

Consider this PDF an extension of our lesson, a tool that will assist you in practicing and perfecting the art of depicting weather in your drawings. It will guide you through practice sessions, offering a structured yet flexible approach to improving your rain sketches.

Alternative Drawing Technique

To support your artistic development, I’ve also devised a simpler alternative technique for drawing rain. This approach focuses on the fundamentals, using basic shapes and lines to help beginners practice without the pressure of perfection. It’s designed to be more accessible, helping you to get comfortable with the motion and flow of raindrop sketches.

This new method emphasizes repetition and rhythm, the key elements that give the impression of rain. By streamlining the process, you can focus on the essentials of movement and pattern in your drawings, gradually building up to more complex scenes. This is a great way to develop muscle memory for drawing natural elements.

I encourage you to use this simplified technique regularly as a practice tool. It’s perfect for daily exercises, helping you to improve steadily. With each session, you’ll notice your ability to draw rain with ease and confidence will grow, enhancing your overall artistic skills in capturing the beauty of weather on paper.

How to Draw Rain for Kindergarten

For our little learners in kindergarten, I’ve put together a four-step process to draw the rain that’s both engaging and achievable. Step one begins with a single fluffy cloud, using just three simple bumps to create its outline. It’s a fun way to start and gets children comfortable with creating the basic shapes that form the basis of our rain scene.

As we move to step two, we add another cloud behind the first, slightly larger to give a sense of depth. This is where our young artists begin to learn about layering and how it can add dimension to their drawings. Each cloud is like a soft pillow in the sky, waiting to be filled in with color.

By step three, we bring the clouds to life with streaks of rain. The children draw straight lines cascading down, practicing their hand control and linearity. And in the final step, we color our clouds and rain, teaching the little ones about color choices and how they can change the mood of their artwork.

rain step by step drawing tutorial

The Art of Rain: Advanced Strategies for Dynamic Drawings

In concluding our session on sketching rain, it’s vital to hone in on the subtleties that elevate your artwork. Here are some advanced insights to add complexity and feeling to your rainy compositions.

  • Layering Clouds: Stacking different cloud shapes creates a dynamic, voluminous sky. It lends authenticity, as if clouds are truly floating in the atmosphere.
  • Raindrop Variation: Diversify the raindrop lengths. A mixture of short and long lines simulates the natural variety of a rain shower.
  • Color Gradation in Clouds: Begin with light hues at the top of your clouds, transitioning to darker tones at the base to suggest a three-dimensional form.
  • Directional Rain: Adding slight angles to your rain can imply wind direction and movement within the storm, bringing energy to your sketch.
  • Shading Under Clouds: Adding shadows beneath the clouds can create a sense of the sun’s position and enhance the three-dimensional effect.
  • Rain Reflections: When depicting puddles, use horizontal lines to reflect the surroundings, which adds to the realism of wet surfaces.

Wrapping up, it’s the mastering of these detailed elements that truly brings your drawings to life. As you continue to practice these techniques, you’ll find your ability to capture the essence of rain becoming more intuitive and your scenes more atmospheric and inviting.

Rain Scenes for Artistic Expression

Welcoming the rain into art can transform an ordinary canvas into a world teeming with emotions and narratives. Consider these scenarios to weave your rain-drawing skills into various scenes:

  • Quiet City Street: Illustrate the serene rain falling on cobblestoned pathways, with the warm light of street lamps reflecting in puddles.
  • Window View: Portray the gentle path of raindrops down the glass of a window, offering a glimpse of the hazy outdoors from a warm interior.
  • Rainy Day in the Park: Show a slice of life with people navigating through showers, umbrellas in hand, and wildlife enjoying the water.
  • A Nighttime Downpour: Capture the solitude and enigma of rain under the moonlight, where each droplet adds to the night’s whispering melody.

Incorporate your rain sketches into these settings to enhance your compositions with dynamic weather elements. Rain can set the stage for a myriad of stories your art can tell. As you continue to experiment, your artwork will not just depict a scene; it will evoke the senses and emotions of life’s rainy rhythms.


Our adventure through the art of rain drawing has reached its serene finale. If this lesson has piqued your interest, my website awaits with a diverse array of other tutorials. Fancy sketching a frolicsome puppy or a spooky ghost? There’s a spectrum of sketches to explore and master.

Keep up with the latest sketches and sneak peeks by following my social media channels. Your input is the wind beneath the wings of this creative process, so please share your ideas and requests for new lessons in the comments. Together, we’ll continue to sketch out an exciting world of artistic possibilities.

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