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How to Draw Skiing

In this lesson I will tell you and show you in detail how to draw skiing. Undoubtedly, this step-by-step guide will be very useful for you.

cartoon skiing drawing
how to draw skiing step by step

Especially for children and beginners, I have created a fascinating lesson on how to draw skiing. Skiing includes various winter sports where athletes use skis.

In the picture you see a young athlete who is dressed in a special suit, has a hat on his head, and goggles cover his eyes. The athlete has skis on his feet and he holds ski poles in his hands.

Pay attention to the position of the body, here is the moment when the athlete descends from the mountain. For coloring clothes, you can use the same shades that are suggested in the instructions or any other colors of your choice.


  • Pencil
  • Paper
  • Eraser
  • Coloring supplies

Time needed: 30 minutes

How to Draw Skiing

  1. Draw the bottom of the face.

    Mark the oval of the face, add the ear on the side, draw the nose and the mouth.skiing drawing

  2. Add the glasses and part of the hat.

    Draw goggles with smooth lines, draw the bottom of the hat and add transverse folds.skiing drawing for kids

  3. Depict the rest of the hat and detail the glasses.

    Draw the top of the hat, add the large pom-pom. Draw short, thin strokes on the glasses.skiing drawing step by step

  4. Sketch out the upper body.

    Add the collar and the rest of the jacket. Draw the arms that are slightly bent at the elbow joints.skiing drawing for beginners

  5. Draw the hands and ski poles.

    Depict the mittens and add two thin ski poles that have the handle and the bottom.skiing drawing for kindergarten

  6. Add the rest of the clothes.

    Draw the zipper on the jacket and draw the sweatpants.skiing drawing lesson

  7. Sketch out the boots.

    At the bottom, draw two boots and add the ski binding.skiing drawing tutorial

  8. Depict the skis.

    Draw two skis that are located side by side.skiing drawing guide

  9. Color the drawing.

    To color the skin, use any natural shade, paint clothes with bright colors.cartoon skiing drawing

By tradition, at the end of the lesson, I have prepared a PDF file for you, in which you will find a brief instruction and additional training materials. Download the file right now and enjoy drawing at any convenient time.

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