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How to Draw Goku

I’m delighted to guide you through the process of learning how to draw Goku. This tutorial is the fruit of my dedication to helping you capture the energy and charisma of one of the most beloved anime heroes. With my simple method, each stroke will bring you closer to mastering Goku’s form and spirit.

How to draw Goku from the anime Dragon Ball
How to draw Goku step-by-step

How to Draw Goku: Basic Information

Greetings, future artists! Today, I’m excited to share with you my exclusive method on how to draw Goku, specifically styled in the charming and adorable chibi form. This lesson is designed with simplicity in mind, allowing you to craft a miniaturized version of this powerful warrior with a few easy-to-follow steps.

As you progress, focus on chibi Goku’s proportions to capture his endearing charm. His oversized head boasts large, expressive eyes that convey a gentle nature, while his small body still reflects his formidable strength. Observe how the hair, though reduced in volume, maintains the iconic spikes, crucial to Goku’s character.

Finally, when you draw Goku, keep in mind his playful stance and the stylized features that define chibi art. While this rendition scales down the details, it retains his vivacious spirit. You’ll finish with a Goku that, despite his size, fully captures the heroic essence and heart of the legendary Saiyan warrior.

Drawing Tutorial


  • Pencil
  • Paper
  • Eraser
  • Coloring supplies

Time needed: 30 minutes

How to Draw Goku

  1. Draw Goku’s head.

    It looks like a large, irregular shape at the top of a piece of paper.goku anime for kids drawing guide

  2. Add the outlines of the hairstyle.

    Goku has a very prominent hairstyle. Draw large angular shapes that point in different directions.how to draw anime goku for kids

  3. Draw the torso.

    A small torso is a special sign of the cartoon style. Draw a small circle like in my reference.how to draw anime goku

  4. Draw the legs.

    The legs look like two elongated asymmetrical shapes that form an angle. Pay attention to the size of the legs of our character, compare the proportions of the legs and torso.how to draw anime goku easy

  5. Draw the neck and arms.

    The arms are in proportion to the legs and torso. All of these body parts appear very small relative to the head. Don’t forget to draw the neck as well.how to draw anime goku easy for kids

  6. Draw the eyes and mouth.

    Large eyes and small other facial features are typical of the anime style. Draw it.goku for kids drawing guide

  7. Add the outlines of the clothes.

    Use small flowing lines to draw the outlines of the clothes.goku for kids drawing tutorial

  8. Erase the guidelines.

    Erase all unnecessary guide lines to give Goku a complete look.how to draw goku for kids tutorial

  9. Color Goku.

    Use traditional colors to create a recognizable Goku look.how to draw goku step by step easy

How to Draw Goku: Video Tutorial

Additional Content

I’ve taken the liberty of creating a streamlined PDF file to accompany this lesson. This succinct guide is perfect for on-the-go learning, allowing you to download and access the essentials of drawing chibi Goku without needing an internet connection. It’s a handy reference that complements this tutorial, designed to be used after you’ve familiarized yourself with the basic steps.

Within the PDF, you’ll find a treasure trove of supplementary materials to enhance your drawing abilities. Once you’re comfortable with the initial stages of crafting chibi characters, these extra insights will aid you in refining your lines, enriching your character expressions, and breathing life into your artwork.

This free PDF is not just an afterthought but a significant component of the learning experience. It’s tailored to artists who are eager to evolve their skills beyond the foundation. Make sure to download it and let it guide you as you continue to grow in your artistic pursuits, long after you’ve mastered how to draw Goku

Alternative Drawing Methods

To complement the main lesson, I’ve also devised several alternative techniques for drawing Goku. These aim to provide a broader spectrum of Goku’s character for practice, enhancing your artistic versatility. By exploring these additional styles, you’ll deepen your understanding of character dynamics and expression.

Each technique offers a new way to see Goku, from his battle-ready stances to peaceful moments. This variety helps in cultivating a flexible approach to your art, allowing for a richer portrayal of characters. As you engage with these methods, your skill in capturing emotion and movement will grow, adding depth to your work.

I encourage you to embrace these alternate practices fully. They’re designed to push your drawing skills further, challenging you to capture Goku’s essence in various forms. This process will not only improve your ability with Goku but also expand your overall artistic range, making your work more dynamic and expressive.

How to Draw Goku for Kindergarten

This alternative drawing method is tailor-made for the youngest of artists, showcasing Goku in a lively battle stance that’s full of energy yet simple in design. The technique is ideal for kindergartners or complete novices, ensuring that the essence of Goku’s dynamism is captured without unnecessary complexity.

During the lesson, emphasis is placed on capturing the essence of movement through fundamental shapes and lines. It’s a fantastic way for children to start understanding how to translate the power and energy of a character onto paper, using a minimal set of elements.

As they follow along, it’s important to encourage the young artists to enjoy the process of creation. This drawing method is as much about having fun and playing with shapes as it is about the finished product. By fostering a relaxed atmosphere, children learn to love art naturally, building confidence in their skills with every Goku they bring to life.

how to draw goku step by step

Perfecting Your Goku Drawings

As we conclude our drawing session, I’d like to leave you with some tips and tricks to refine your rendition of chibi Goku. These little nuggets of wisdom are gleaned from my experience and are meant to help you polish your drawing and enjoy the creative process to the fullest.

  • Start with Light Strokes: Begin with gentle, light lines for the initial sketch. This makes it easier to correct any mistakes and adjust proportions as you go.
  • Eyes Are the Window: Pay extra attention to Goku’s eyes. Getting them right can bring the whole chibi character to life.
  • Check Proportions Frequently: Regularly step back and review your drawing. This helps catch any disproportions early on.
  • Use Guidelines: Draw faint lines to help place facial features and ensure symmetry, which is crucial in chibi characters.
  • Practice the Hair: Goku’s hair is iconic. Practice drawing those spikes in different sizes to get comfortable with their shapes.
  • Add Expression with Eyebrows: Eyebrows can change the whole mood of the character, so experiment with their angles to convey different emotions.
  • Simplify Details: Remember, chibi characters are all about simplicity. Avoid too many details that can clutter the drawing.
  • Trace and Repeat: If you’re happy with your drawing, trace it onto another sheet of paper and try to recreate it. Repetition is key to mastering any style.

Let these pointers be your guiding stars as you venture further into the world of drawing. With each Goku you sketch, you’re not only capturing his character but also honing a craft that can express a universe of stories. Keep practicing, stay patient, and most importantly, enjoy every line and curve.

The Chibi Goku Drawing FAQ: Your Artistic Aid

As we draw the curtains on our chibi Goku drawing adventure, it’s natural to have questions bubble up. Below is a curated list of frequently asked questions that might echo your queries. These are designed to clear the clouds of doubt and add a sparkle of clarity to your artistic journey.

  • What if my Goku doesn’t look exactly like the example? Each artist has a unique style, and variations are a part of the learning process. Embrace your version and remember that practice brings you closer to your goals.
  • How do I make sure I get the proportions right? Use reference lines to divide the face and body into sections. This can guide you in sizing features and maintaining proportions.
  • The hair spikes are tricky; any advice? Break them down into simple shapes, like triangles, and practice drawing these first. Over time, you’ll develop a feel for the right shape and angle.
  • How can I improve the symmetry of Goku’s face? Draw a vertical line down the center of the face as a guide. Start with the eyes and work your way outwards, checking that each feature aligns with its counterpart.
  • What should I focus on to capture Goku’s chibi look? Highlight the oversized head and eyes, which are signature elements of the chibi style. Keep the body small and the features simple.
  • Can I add my own style to the drawing? Absolutely! Personal touches add character and uniqueness to your art. Feel free to experiment with different expressions and details.

These FAQs are but stepping stones on your path to mastery. Let them guide you, but also stride confidently with your intuition as your compass. Every chibi Goku you draw is a testament to your evolving skill and a peek into the boundless realm of your imagination. Keep questioning, keep drawing, and may your pencils always be sharp!


Wrapping up our journey on how to draw Goku in a chibi style, I encourage you to dive deeper into the artistic universe found on my website. There, you’ll find a plethora of tutorials ranging from how to draw an intricate octopus to capturing the essence of a peach in your drawings. It’s a treasure trove for those who love to explore various subjects through art.

To ensure you’re always in the loop with the latest tutorials and creative insights, follow my social media profiles. If you have any desires or ideas for future lessons, don’t hesitate to leave a comment below. Your feedback is invaluable and helps in crafting lessons that ignite your artistic passion.

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