How to Draw a Unicorn With Wings
With this super easy tutorial you will learn how to draw a unicorn with wings. This will be a very interesting and useful lesson!

In this tutorial, you will learn how to draw a unicorn with wings. I hope you really like this tutorial and enjoy the creative process.
The unicorn is a mythical creature that is a white horse with a longhorn on its head. In this tutorial, the unicorn has wings. In the picture, this creature looks very cute. The mane, tail, and wing have a delicate pink color.
You can easily complete this lesson if you already have some skills in drawing a unicorn or an ordinary horse. But if you are drawing a unicorn for the first time, then you have a great opportunity to learn how to draw quickly and beautifully.
The lesson consists of a few simple steps that any novice artist can easily repeat. Be careful at every stage of drawing, and you will get a great unicorn with wings.
- Pencil
- Paper
- Eraser
- Coloring supplies
Time needed: 30 minutes
How to Draw a Unicorn With Wings
- Draw the torso and head.
Depict the torso as an irregular circle and draw an oval next to it.
- Add elements of the muzzle.
Sketch out the eye, nose, and mouth.
- Depict the neck and mane.
Draw a short line between the head and torso and draw the mane at the top using rounded lines.
- Add the ear and horn.
Draw an ear and depict the cone-shaped horn. On the surface of the horn, add two strips.
- Sketch out the front legs.
With smooth lines draw two front legs that are located side by side. Add hooves at the bottom.
- Draw the hind legs.
The hind legs are located at some distance from each other.
- Depict the wing and tail.
With smooth lines draw one wing of the same shape as in the example. Depict the fluffy tail.
- Correct inaccuracies.
Carefully remove all extra lines.
- Color the unicorn with wings.
You will need different shades of pink.
Especially for your convenience, I have prepared a PDF file that contains a simplified version of the lesson. Download the file and thus, you can return to this lesson at any time.