How to Draw a Yorkie
With the help of the lesson how to draw a Yorkie you will draw a very cute dog. This guide is very simple and contains only nine steps.

Now you will learn how to draw a Yorkie. The Yorkshire Terrier is a popular breed of decorative dog. The size of the dog is really very small and such a dog looks very cute, so many people are happy to keep such a cute pet at home. Such a dog is an excellent companion for adults and a loyal friend for children.
Yorkie has a soft silky coat. The coat can be very long, so much a dog is sheared or put on small hairpins, elastic bands, or bows. In the picture, you can see a little Yorkie with a haircut. The head is much larger than the body, the legs are very short. These proportions give the dog a funny cartoonish look.
This tutorial is adapted for children and aspiring artists and therefore contains simple elements at every step. You can easily follow this tutorial.
- Pencil
- Paper
- Eraser
- Coloring supplies
Time needed: 30 minutes
How to Draw a Yorkie
- Draw the top of the head.
Use short, freeform lines and draw the upper outline of the head.
- Depict the bottom of the head.
Add the bottom outline of the head using short, uneven lines.
- Add the ears.
The ears are triangular in shape. Draw the outer and inner contours of the ear with straight lines.
- Sketch out the torso.
Depict the small torso using short, uneven lines. Leave open spaces for the paws.
- Draw the front legs.
Using a few short lines, add two small paws.
- Depict the hind legs.
Sketch out two hind legs that are side by side.
- Sketch out the outline of the fur.
On the head and chest, draw a border where the color of the fur will differ.
- Add the elements of the Yorkie’s face.
Draw the front of the face, eyes, nose, and tongue.
- Color the Yorkie.
Use several shades of brown for the fur, gray for the eyes and nose, and red for the tongue.
Now you have learned how to draw this cute dog breed. I hope you like the result. Write your feedback about this lesson in the comments. I would be grateful for your feedback. You can download a free PDF that contains a shortcut version of this guide and some other useful tools. This will help you complete the tutorial even without an internet connection.