How to Draw Cute Eyes
In this drawing lesson, you will learn how to draw cute eyes step by step. This tutorial is going to be very simple and only has six steps.

I have prepared for you a great drawing lesson in which I will tell and show you how to draw cute eyes step by step. I developed this drawing lesson specifically for beginner artists and children, so you will not encounter difficulties when completing it. To draw cute eyes, you need to be able to draw smooth curved lines and arcs. I am sure that this lesson will not leave indifferent any of you.
The eyes are very important and expressive facial features. With the help of these organs, we can see the world around us. We can often convey some of our emotions with our eyes, which is why the eyes are often called the “mirror of the soul”. In this tutorial, you will learn how to draw cute eyes in a cartoon style.
By learning how to draw these eyes, in the future you will be able to depict any cartoon character, person, or animal in a cartoon style, complementing your drawing with the image of cute eyes from this lesson. In this tutorial, the eyes are green, but you can use any other color you like to color them in.
Please note that when performing this drawing, it is important for you to observe symmetry, that is, the eyes should be symmetrical, located on the same level, and also look like a mirror image of each other.
- Pencil
- Paper
- Eraser
- Coloring supplies
Time needed: 30 minutes
How to Draw Cute Eyes
- Draw the outlines of the upper part of the eyes.
To complete this step, you should draw two symmetrical incomplete ovals.
- Depict the eyelashes.
On the sides of the drawn eyes, depict three eyelashes on each eye, using arcs.
- Finish drawing the outline of the eyes.
Connect the ends of the previously drawn incomplete ovals, and also add arcs inside each eye.
- Start drawing the iris.
Now you should add symmetrical incomplete ovals inside both eyes.
- Add the outlines of the pupils.
Inside each eye, near the drawn incomplete ovals, draw an oval, as shown in the figure.
- Color the drawing.
To color the cute eyes, use black and green colors. Don’t forget to add the highlights to the eyes.
For your convenience, I have prepared a PDF file in which you can find a short version of this tutorial and additional useful materials for completing it. Download this file to return to the lesson at any time.