How to Draw Rapunzel
In this step-by-step tutorial, you will learn how to draw Rapunzel. You will like this tutorial because it is simple and useful.

In this tutorial, I will show you how to draw Rapunzel. Thanks to a simple step-by-step guide, you can easily draw this beautiful girl, even if you have little experience in drawing.
Surely you have watched a full-length animated cartoon based on the fairy tale by the Brothers Grimm. Rapunzel is the main character of the cartoon, this is a sweet girl who had very long blond hair.
If you remember, Rapunzel lived in captivity for a long time, but at some point, her life changed, and amazing events began to happen to the girl. Rapunzel’s hair was not only very beautiful but also had magical powers.
I think you will be interested to learn how to draw Rapunzel step by step. This simple guide will help you. For your convenience, each step has a small hint to help you achieve the best results.
- Pencil
- Paper
- Eraser
- Coloring supplies
Time needed: 30 minutes
How to Draw Rapunzel
- Draw the face oval.
To do this, use a smooth rounded line.
- Depict the shoulders.
Using smooth lines, add the short neck and narrow shoulders.
- Depict one arm.
Sketch the short sleeve using rounded lines and draw the thin arm.
- Add the top of the clothes and hand.
Depict the outline of the clothes with short, smooth lines. Draw the hand as in the example.
- Draw the bottom of the dress.
Sketch out the dress of the same shape and add folds to the dress with thin lines.
- Depict the hair.
Using smooth lines draw very long hair.
- Add the second hand and the facial features.
Depict the brush of the second hand. Draw the nose and mouth, eyes, and eyebrows.
- Detail the hair.
Draw thin lines to depict individual strands of the hair.
- Color the Rapunzel.
Color the skin in beige, hair in bright yellow, and the dress in lilac.
I prepared the PDF file with a short version of the Rapunzel drawing tutorial. Download this file so that the lesson is available to you at any time, even if you are connected to the Internet.
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