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How to Draw a Snow Leopard

I love all kinds of cats, so today I want to show you how to draw a snow leopard, a beautiful spotted cat from the cold regions of our planet.

how to draw a snow leopard featured image
how to draw a snow leopard step by step

How to Draw a Snow Leopard: Introduction

We’ve already drawn a huge variety of cats, from small ones like those in my cat drawing lesson to larger ones like in my tiger and lion drawing tutorials. Today, I’ll show you how to draw a snow leopard, which is also quite a large cat. However, in this lesson, we’ll give it an extra cute look.

We’ll use very simple shapes, basic lines, and minimal details while still aiming for a strong resemblance to a real snow leopard. By keeping the lines, shapes, and steps as simple as possible, we’ll create a cartoon-like snow leopard with a slightly childlike appearance, but without making it look unrealistic.

We’ll also add the characteristic spots and details that make it clear this is a snow leopard. Artists often use minimalistic techniques to convey their message to the viewer without overcomplicating their drawings, and we’ll follow the same approach here. This lesson will be similar to my leopard drawing lesson and the tutorial on how to draw a cheetah.

As always, I try to provide well-rounded skills so you can fully understand how to draw a subject. This snow leopard lesson is no exception. Along with the main tutorial, I’ve included an additional lesson to help you refine your drawing even further.

Snow Leopard Drawing Tutorial


  • Pencil
  • Paper
  • Eraser
  • Coloring supplies

Time needed: 40 minutes

How to Draw a Snow Leopard

  1. Sketch the head and body.

    Sketch two simple shapes to form the foundation of the snow leopard’s body. Draw a large circle at the top for the head. Below it, slightly overlapping, sketch a rounded bean-like shape for the body. Keep the lines of your snow leopard sketch light so you can adjust them later if needed.Sketch the head and body

  2. Draw the snow leopard’s facial features.

    Next, sketch two large circles inside the head shape for the eyes of the snow leopard. Then, in the center, draw a small rounded triangular shape for the nose of the cat. Extend two short curved lines downward from the nose to form a small mouth.Draw the snow leopard’s facial features

  3. Draw the ears of the snow leopard.

    Now, draw two rounded shapes on each side of the head to represent the ears of the snow leopard. Inside each ear, add a smaller curved shape to indicate the inner ear structure. The ears should be large and simple, without any extra lines or details. Position them symmetrically.Draw the ears of the snow leopard

  4. Sketch the fur details.

    To give the snow leopard a fluffy look, start adding fur details. Around the face, sketch short jagged lines extending outward to create a fluffy cheek outline. Do the same at the top of the head and on the chest. Avoid making the fur too spiky or sharp – smooth, curved lines work best.Sketch the fur details

  5. Draw the front legs.

    Draw two slightly curved vertical shapes to outline each front leg of the snow leopard. At the bottom of each leg, sketch rounded paws with three small toe separations. You can make your drawing of a snow leopard look more unique by adding extra details, for example claws.Draw the front legs

  6. Add the back legs.

    Next, extend two curved shapes from the back of the snow leopard’s body, shaping the legs. Then, connect them to rounded paws at the bottom, similar to the front legs. The hind legs should be slightly larger. Try to make the shapes very smooth and curved.Add the back legs

  7. Draw the snow leopard’s tail.

    Now, form a wide, bushy shape that tapers slightly at the tip. The tail should be thick and rounded, as snow leopards have large tails to help them balance in their snowy environment. Adding a fluffy texture with short, curved lines ate the bottom of the tail will make it look more natural.Draw the snow leopard’s tail

  8. Add spots and fur patterns.

    To make the snow leopard drawing look like a real animal, add characteristic spots and markings. Draw various rounded and irregular-shaped spots across the head, body, and tail. These spots should be distributed unevenly and not perfectly symmetrical to create a more natural look.Add spots and fur patterns

  9. Outline and color the snow leopard.

    Clean up your sketch by erasing unnecessary guidelines. Once you’re happy with the outline, color your snow leopard drawing using shades of gray and white. The spots should be darker. Add pink for the inner ears and nose. The eyes can be black with white highlights.Outline and color the snow leopard

Simple Snow Leopard Drawing Tutorial

This method of drawing a snow leopard is more simplified, with a different step sequence, and the final result has a different look compared to the first tutorial.

To draw a snow leopard with this technique, start with the head outline using jagged lines to create a fluffy effect. Then sketch the body as a rounded shape with a slightly uneven bottom edge to represent fur. Add the front legs, and then draw the back legs with curved lines. Sketch the long, curved tail with a slightly pointed end, keeping it thick and fluffy.

Draw the face of the snow leopard by adding slanted eyes, a small triangular nose, and a slightly open mouth. Add fur details to the legs and chest using short, curved lines. Draw markings along the body, including spots and stripes on the head, back, and legs. Finally, clean up the sketch and color the snow leopard using shades of blue-gray, adding contrast to the spots.

simple snow leopard drawing tutorial


Like all my drawing lessons, this how to draw a snow leopard tutorial follows a very simple step structure, using truly basic shapes and an easy approach to textures and coloring. Despite its simplicity, the final snow leopard drawing looks convincing, even with its cartoon-like style.

Now, dear readers, let me know how your drawing turned out. Did it look the way you wanted? Also, share any challenges you faced while drawing the snow leopard. To reduce difficulties and avoid mistakes in future drawings of animals and other subjects, be sure to check out my other drawing lessons. There, you will find a wide variety of instructions and techniques that will help you learn to draw almost anything.

With my tutorials, you can practice drawing an elephant, follow my lesson on how to draw a monkey, and much more. Additionally, on my website, you’ll find many different coloring collections, providing a fun and useful way to spend your time.

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